About Make Human

We're a small but mighty design agency with a big heart and a ferocious passion for creating products and services that make people happy.

Old asian lady smiling using a smarphone and headphones

Our Vision: Humans First, Tech Second

Imagine a world where technology enhanced our lives. Where every interaction with the things we use each day was simple and intuitive, and each time we touched a device, a ticket machine, or a website it made our lives just a little bit easier and less stressful. That's the vision we have.

In order to reach it, we must make sure we focus on humans first. Understand their pain points, unmet needs, and goals, and then turn to technology as a way to solve problems and enhance their experience. Yet, too often, companies get overly excited on the technology first, leaving users to adapt to an ever increasingly complex world of tech products.

After more than two decades in the tech industry, we've seen it all - from the boom of the dot-com era to the rise and fall of countless trends. But one thing has remained constant: products and services that prioritise humans over technology are the ones that truly succeed.

If you share our belief in putting people first, let's work together to make it a reality. Whether it's for your product, employees, customers, or users, we're on a mission to prioritise human needs over technological advancements.

Let's create a better world through human-centred design.

Our team of experts

Meet the humans behind Make Human. Our team is a perfect blend of permanent members and trusted freelance partners. Together we make awesome experiences people love to engage with.

Damian Headshot

As a dad of two young boys, Damian knows how important it is to fix bad design. With over 20 years of experience in UX and a portfolio of work with big brands, he's dedicated to making a difference and inspiring others along the way.

Becs Headshot
Principle UX Consultant

Empowering others to follow good human-centred practices is Becs' passion. With over 20 years of experience working with top brands and a dedication to creating meaningful experiences, she's a force to be reckoned with.

Debbie Headshot
UX Researcher

Debbie's journey from the legal world to UX gives her a unique perspective and amazing attention to detail. As a Mum of two, she sees the importance of empathy and connection in designing products that truly serve people.

Alma Headshot
Ethnographic Researcher

Alma's an experienced ethnographic researcher, combining strategic thinking with a passion for human behaviour. A Cambridge graduate, she uses her diverse experience to provide  impactful insights for clients.

Headshot of Varun
Product Design Expert

With a love for learning new design tools and researching innovative product concepts, Varun brings a fresh perspective to the team. As a new dad, he's dedicated to creating products that enhance people's lives.

Steve Headshot
Creative Director

Steve's an award-winning creative director with a passion and talent for crafting human stories. He has a strong film and music background and helps us craft engaging narratives that connect with the audience on a human level.

Rachel Headshot
UI Designer

Rachel's talent for creating beautiful experiences is matched only by her passion for travel, surfing, and photography. With a dedication to creativity and human-centred design, she's an essential part of the Make Human team.

Our Approach

We're a Blend of UX, CX, Design, & Behavioural Science

We've taken the best of UX, CX, Product Design, and Behavioural Science and blended them into a one-of-a-kind service. Our holistic approach means we're considering human needs, business goals, and behavioural changes in every solution we provide. By partnering with us, you're getting a multi-disciplinary team committed to delivering a unique experience that drives results.

We Operate a Lean Approach to Human-Centred Design

Our work method is rooted in a test-and-learn model. We believe in testing assumptions and ideas early to avoid costly mistakes and pivot in the right direction. By working with us, your team will adopt a lean approach, where experimentation drives measurable impact at every stage. We're here to ensure that your efforts are always moving the needle.

We're Champions for Better Experiences

Every day, we encounter experiences. It's frustrating to see that so many of them are still poor despite the number of businesses talking about UX and CX. This ignites our passion. We are dedicated to human-centred design - not just by creating superior experiences for your customers but also by educating and coaching your teams to be better, and raising the bar in the industry.

We Believe in Solving Real Problems for Real People

We firmly believe in the power of a human-centric approach. While it's easy to design products based on assumed user needs, it's the commitment to unearth the real problems people face and solve them with innovative technology that leads to truly great products. As your partners, we ensure this philosophy is at the heart of everything we do.

We Ignite Innovative Ideas Through Empathy

In our experience, the most innovative product ideas have come from great customer research. We aim to truly understand what drives people, their pain points, unmet needs, and the gaps in their experiences. When you work with us, you're choosing a partner who will drive your product to the next level by connecting deeply with your users.

There are three ways we can work with you

Do it For You

Let us bring your vision to life through our human-centred design process, or get feedback on your existing product. We'll take on the project or any small part of it to deliver exceptional results.

Do it Alongside You

We're collaborative and experienced, ready to join your team as a leader or a contributor. Together, we'll brainstorm, research, and design amazing user journeys for instant impact.

Empower You to Do It Yourself

We can guide, train, and support your team through challenging projects or provide ongoing coaching. Get the right tools and knowledge to take on any task with confidence.

Let's Work Together

Ready to take your product experience to the next level? Our experts can help! Get in touch to boost conversions, streamline messaging, and improve user experience.

128 City Road, London, England, EC1V 2NX
Thank you for reaching out. We'll be in touch shortly. In the meantime, you can connect with us on Linked In: linkedin.com/company/makehuman
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Latest Insights & Articles

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