Creating Intuitive Products is a necessity, not a Luxury

elderly lady uses a laptop
Damian Headshot
Damian Rees
October 6, 2023
2 min. read
Intuitive Design
User Experience
Product Design

Embracing the Essence of Intuitive Design

What does it mean for a product to be intuitive? In its simplest form, it refers to how easily users can understand and use a product without needing explicit instructions or extensive training. It’s the reason you instinctively know how to swipe right on Tinder or scroll down on a Facebook news feed.

The best products out there are often the most intuitive. Think about the iPhone, Airbnb, or Uber. They’ve all made life easier by being user-friendly. Intuitive design, however, is not a luxury or an afterthought. It is a necessity, a crucial component of successful product management and design.

Why is it so important? Because in this ever-competitive tech world, the stakes are higher than ever. Products that don't resonate with users often get tossed aside. The truth is, users expect a seamless, intuitive experience. If they don’t get it, they'll likely move on to a competitor who can deliver it.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room. You might be thinking, "Sure, this sounds great in theory, but how do I ensure my product is intuitive? Where do I start?"

The Journey to Intuitive Design

1/ Understanding Your Users

The first step is understanding who your users are. Your product may be designed with sophisticated technology, but it's the human beings using it who ultimately matter. Gather information about their behaviours, needs, and expectations. The more you understand about your users, the better you can design a product that feels intuitive to them.

2/ Simplicity is Key

The beauty of intuitive design lies in its simplicity. Think about Google’s homepage: a logo and a search bar. That’s it. The objective is clear, the interface clutter-free. Remember, simplicity doesn't mean dumbing down your product. It's about making complex processes feel effortless for your users.

3/ Consistent Design Elements

Another aspect of intuitive design is consistency. From colours to icons to workflows, consistent design elements help users learn how to use your product more quickly. Consider how you felt the first time you drove a different model of car; despite the differences, you could still drive it because of consistent design elements across cars.

Real-Life Examples of Intuitive Design

Let's examine a few cases of intuitive design in action.


This language learning app embodies the essence of intuitive design. It's simple, clean, and user-focused. From the moment you open the app, you know exactly what to do. No instruction manual required.


Used by teams around the world, Slack's intuitive interface reduces the learning curve for new users. With its consistent use of design elements and user-focused features, it simplifies team communication.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Understanding the essence of intuitive design and putting it into practice might seem daunting, but remember, every challenge is an opportunity in disguise.

You might think about the time, effort, and cost associated with intuitive design. But consider the alternative: the price of creating a product that confuses users and hinders adoption.

Take the opportunity to invest in understanding your users better. This will inform your design process and ensure your product aligns with their needs. If you lack the in-house expertise, consider upskilling your team or partnering with a design firm that specializes in user-centric design.

As for quantifying the return on investment (ROI) of intuitive design, think about the increased user satisfaction, higher adoption rates, reduced customer service costs, and the potential for positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Intuitive Products come from Focusing on Users First

The tech landscape is vast and continually evolving, but one thing remains constant: the user. The importance of creating intuitive, user-friendly products cannot be overstated. As we move forward, let's remember that our products are for people. The more we cater to their needs, the more our products will succeed.

Yes, intuitive design requires investment, but the payoff is worth it. After all, what’s the alternative? A beautiful, sophisticated product that no one uses? Or a simple, intuitive product that delights users and keeps them coming back for more?

In the end, it's not just about creating intuitive products; it's about creating value for your users and your business. Now that’s something worth investing in, don't you think?

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