UX Research & Evaluation

Unleash customer insights that enhance your product experience, drive engagement, boost sales

Two people taking part in a user research interview in a coffee shop
Two young women discussing a topic during a discovery research interview

Discovery Research

Discover unmet customer needs and create a product that people can't live without. Our proven user experience research approach identifies mental models, habitual behaviour, and key triggers that drive product adoption. Convert potential customers into lifelong users with our expert research.

Usability & Navigation Testing

Improve usability and navigation for your product with our proprietary usability testing approach. We'll identify barriers to conversion, potential churn points, and customer acquisition opportunities. You'll get a prioritised action plan and the chance to observe the research.

Two young women usability test a website together
A man uses a UX Audit checklist to test a mobile app

UX Audit & Expert Review

Unlock creativity and make faster, more informed decisions on your website or digital product. Our website UX audit offers a fixed-price expert perspective to clarify what works, what needs changing, and delivers inspiration for improvement.

There are three ways we can work with you

Do it for you

We can take your brilliant idea for a product and take it through our human-centred design process to make it a reality. Or we can simply evaluate your website, app, or a part of your user journey and feedback. Whatever you need, we can take an entire project or a small chunk of work and deliver exceptional results.

Do it alongside you

We're highly collaborative and love working with our clients to brainstorm, research, and design amazing user journeys. We can join your team as a leader or a contributor. Whatever you need, we have the experience to slot in and utilise our experience to deliver instant impact.

Empower you to do it yourself

If you'd prefer your team to do all the heavy lifting, we can provide guidance, training and support to keep you on track. Sometimes our clients just want coaching in the right way to lead their team through a challenging project, and other times we offer regular, and ongoing guidance.

Let's Work Together

Ready to take your business to the next level? Our experts can help! Fill out the form to boost conversions, streamline messaging, and improve user experience.

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Latest Insights & Articles

We write about the importance of making products and technology more human.

Illustration of woman browsing an ecommerce store

The Secret Sauce of High-Converting E-commerce: Mastering Information Architecture

Master the unseen hero of e-commerce—Information Architecture—to boost sales and enhance user experience. From effective navigation to robust search systems, discover the keys to reducing cart abandonment and increasing ROI.
Information Architecture
User Experience
Woman working with a prototype

Why Prototyping is Essential in Modern Product Development

Prototyping is a crucial step in product development, enabling exploration, user testing, and effective communication. From low-fidelity sketches to high-fidelity digital models, prototypes help identify issues early, reduce costs, and create user-centred designs. Embracing prototyping leads to better products and more efficient development processes.
Iterative Prototyping
Experience Design
UX Design
Product designer concentrating on his new design

Overcoming The Five Key Reasons for Poor User Experience

Despite the increasing buzz around 'User Experience' or 'UX' in the tech and business world, many of us still find ourselves frustrated with products that offer a less-than-stellar experience. Here are the five most common reasons poor UX exists and what you can do to avoid them.
Poor UX
User Research
Product Strategy